M2M group supports moroccan agency for energy efficiency (amee) in a global hr digitisation project

M2M Group - e-Gov and e-ID News - M2M Group empowers global HRIS Project for AMEE

Casablanca, November 2021. As part of its HR development strategy, the MOROCCAN AGENCY FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY gives priority to the digitization and harmonization of its HR processes. Since these objectives can only be guaranteed through the implementation of an HRIS covering the entire value chain of human resources, the Agency has therefore selected the integrated solution of M2M Group MX ENTERPRISE which meets in addition all the requirements being specific to the public administration.

MX ENTERPRISE™ currently covers administrative management in application of the regulations and guidelines of the Moroccan civil service, payroll, HR development, recruitment and talent management and HR services accessible on Intranet and mobile application. The implemented solution can also be open to other functional modules in the future, such as time management, access control, training and digitization of expense management.

Through MX ENTREPRISE™, the MOROCCAN AGENCY FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY and any other organization benefit from a complete and dematerialized management of the employee’s life cycle, ensuring them optimized and secure payroll, particularly through an integrated time management solution. As for the architecture, it has been specially designed to guarantee data reliability and an optimal user experience for both employees and solution administrators.

Lastly, the other particularity of M2M Group’s solution lies in its ability to centralize all HR data for better analysis and decision making, especially in terms of advanced reporting by module and HR repositories specific to each organization.

Integrated Solution

Administrative Management

Time Management


Access Control

HR Development

Recruitment & Training

Portal & employee’s/admin application

Workflow Automation

Administrative Aapplications

Payroll Automation

Tax & Social Security Automation



Dematerialization of expenses

Worker’s card for payments & ID

Mobile Application

Expense management on Application

Expense Reimbursement on cards



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